“One might say that man, who searches in vain for his existence and derives a
philosophy from it, finds only in the experience of symbolic reality the way back
to that world in which he does not feel a stranger” (Jung).
Art and design are emblematically united in Francesco Mazzi’s work where,
through the pictorial cycles called “Fantasy” and “Myths & Legends”, he develops
that sought-after symbiosis between myths, legends and contemporary creativity,
manifesting a point of connection between West and East. Mazzi is firmly attracted
by the pure beauty that he finds whenever he refers to the aesthetic canons of
antiquity, especially European, in which he feels in the Heart, the emblem of
beauty and in the Symbol, the true harmony. He can only be enchanted by the
original artistic style of his host country, Japan, where art, synthetic and direct,
fascinates and imbues him above all for its symbolism and eloquent, silent elegance
of expression. Both peoples carry with them a rich cultural and aesthetic heritage
and transmit, although with different interpretations, the impulse of the energy
of the birth of life, which resides, above all, in that uncontaminated nature made
up of fragile beauty and regular cycles, microcosms and intrinsic movements that
teem with Life in every breath. It is the Life of small things that transpires from
the work of Mazzi Fine Art, and for this reason he does not admit too much
decorativism, which underlies the search to simulate the true, but only considers
to enunciate it, so that, his art is direct in narration and in revealing itself. And so
it is precisely in those clots of matter that pulsate and vibrate within the paintings
that the element gradually materializes, in the precise drafting given by the careful
insertion of oil colours, pigments, 24K gold, platinum, silver, diamonds and shells,
where the man or woman are only inserted by symbolism. The pictorial art thus
becomes high relief and tends towards the round in its modelling, accentuating the
plastic effects in the calibrated materiality. From these results of experimentation
and research, the “3D FRAME PUSH-UP” concept was born and patented, with
internationally recognised and registered paternity, of which Mazzi Fine Art holds
the rights, and where the canvas and the frame are conceived as a single body,
an element considered very interesting and innovative. The meticulous precision
in the execution, the attention to detail, see also the frames made with the essence
of Japanese Paulownia, the research of the title with all its connections aimed at
satisfying that lively internal message born from the creative impulse that wants to
make form, all these constituents connote in Mazzi’s art, the uniqueness of the act
of production, reached and satisfied, thanks to the liturgical slowness of execution
and a meticulous attention to the origin of the materials to be used. If the artist
reaches this undeniable maturity and accuracy of his own language, through a
patient transcription of his thought, it is certainly due to meditation and the will
to solve a precise and clear project, completed in every detail in his mind. So
nothing is given to chance, but everything is part of a precise design. Symbology
links the various elements represented, which are recurrent in the work, such as:
Sun, Moon, Butterfly, the Flowers representing, through their petals, that subtle
link towards eternity, a drop, an unexpected bud, the incessant work of the bees,
the impressiveness of the tree with its symbolism, all inserted between sky and
earth, water and light. The devotional respect for these figurative elements, set
in the metaphysical theatre of a motionless nature, stopped in the moment of
the reported scene, decorates its own fragile beauty and gathers in the place to
which it refers, the ancient memories of an origin that is common to all. Symbols
are thus revealed, they are weighed and counterbalanced one with the other,
they are placed in front of the mirror and the dance of opposites begins, which
will find its balance in the confrontation. Eternity, regeneration, the sense of the
Infinite and of cyclicity, unfold there, where everything finds peace, once our gaze
turns to Her, in front of the spectacle of the night. And the direction, at the close
of the day, is traced by that call of the ever-present silver light that envelops and
welcomes. She is the owner and holder of Life. Then again, there are symbolisms
linked to metamorphosis, to the strength of change and the courage to face any
transformation as a firm act of courage, in order to be able to live and survive.
Then we come to the why, to the acceptance of the luminous Life and its dark side,
which fascinates, but we do not know, which intrigues, but sometimes drives us
away... and again, then dive into the evocative power of the carp that becomes
perseverance, loyalty, and bearer of energy and strength, non-conformist because
it faces upstream the insidious adversities of the water, in the incessant flow of
life. And I would like to dwell precisely on this oriental symbol that wants to
reward one’s own efforts and sacrifices, emphasizing that, whoever works with
willpower: genius, creativity and the humility to always put themselves on the line,
can achieve important results, without ever forgetting the true value that dwells in
small things. Therein lies the true treasure, the preciousness of existence.